Continuing on from my first level design concepts, I decided I needed to do some proper colour theory consideration and research before I did any more concepts.
These colour palettes that I have created and named for convenience are also split into two columns, cold tones (right) and warm tones (left).
The first two are continuing off my initial level concepts somewhat as I used traditionally "sterile" colours that are often used in medical settings. These palettes are used to make the environment seem clean but also calming, so the colours can have a similar effect whether with both these palettes in one or separately. The next few colour palettes I decided needed to be colourful and playful. As I had found before in my first initial research, most games similar to the ones we are creating use very bright and bold colours to appeal to the young people playing. Since this game also features a lot of food products and such, I decided the colour palettes should be colours associated with healthy foods and nature. This includes greens, blues and yellows. 'Daffodil' and 'Spring' are the two palette's I made with these ideas in mind, one having warmer tones and one having cooler tones.
The next two palettes are working off the fact that almost all games I looked at with a similar demographic to ours didn't seem to have a set aesthetic and instead used any and all shades and tones within their visuals. While I understand how a very vivid palette would appeal to adolescence, I wasn't satisfied with having it all not look cohesive. And so I created two 'rainbow' palettes, one soft and pastel and the other much bolder and brighter. The 'Soft Rainbow' palette is still colourful but calmer and can be considered childlike in its light tones. All of the colours I also kept them somewhat warmer toned, so they all look very similar still with little contrast despite all the different colours. 'Bold Rainbow' has a lot more contrast than the softer version, however, is still somewhat cohesive as I used mostly colder-toned colours.
The last two palettes originated from my first concept of the level design, with the game taking part in a place that looks like a bloodstream, hence the matching name and deep red colours used in that palette. The final palette, 'Galaxy', is the opposite of 'Bloodstream' with very similar contrast in the colours but instead in a cold-toned palette with blues and purples. I made this final one mostly as an experiment, as I considered it would be far too dark for the theme of the game.
