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Year 1
Y1 Digital Culture
Y1 Digital Skills
Y1 UX Design
Y1 Designing and pitching
Y1 Games and Interactive Design
Y1 Pitching
Y1 Developing research and practice
Year 2
Y2 Interactive Narratives
Y2 Client Based Brief
Y2 Sound Production
Y2 Professional Practice
Y2 Negotiated Research
Y2 Advanced Digital Skills
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Finley Rue Baines
Digital Artefact 3
Since I was unable to get to the university campus most days I started looking for alternative programs to do my work with. This is when...
Finley Rue Baines
Digital Artefact 2
For my second artefact, I took inspiration from NFTs which I found out about in class. NFT, standing for a non-fungible token, is a one...
Finley Rue Baines
Digital Artefacts 1
For my first artefact, I decided to create a piece of cover art for the game I am creating. I decided to experiment with a more...
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