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Finley Rue Baines

Finley Rue Baines

Finley Rue Baines
22.11.21 - Enemy design 1
Starting off from my original idea of having the enemies be the opposite complementary colour of the rest of the game, I already had some...

Finley Rue Baines
21.11.21 - Level brainstorming
Since I now had a rough idea of the story for my game I started to brainstorm how I could start the story in the first level of the game....

Finley Rue Baines
19.11.21 - Character Design 2
After deciding that I wanted to keep the much more simple style of the small spirit with design sketches from the other day I decided to...

Finley Rue Baines
17-18.11.21 - Character Design
Since I was basing one of the main characters after an actual "person" from my life, I already knew what type of design I wanted to have...

Finley Rue Baines
15.11.21- Concepts 2
While thinking about my game idea, I realised the concept was somewhat similar in theme to an art project I had previously done when I...

Finley Rue Baines
12.11.21- First Concepts
Since I was struggling with an overall story idea for my game, which I knew would be the centre focus of my game, with the help of my...

Finley Rue Baines
28/29.10.21- Concept Brainstorming
As it was getting difficult to get into the university since I'm travelling so far, I've started to do work from home. Since I'm not sure...
Finley Rue Baines
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