Alongside drawing the main character sprites, and using a very similar colour palette to keep within the game's theme, I also started creating a background for the first level of the game.
This first level was going to be taking part on a rocky beach at the bottom of a cliff, and since I wasn't sure how to create a background for a game I found tutorials that seems to be making a similar style of background to take inspiration from and learn some strategies that may help me along the way.
These are the videos I followed:
From these videos, I learned a lot of tips and tricks to help me in my game's development.
The first tutorial helped me with the very basics, including making the canvas 4K to easily manipulate it later, keeping parts on different layers to export and manipulate separately later on, and some colour tips to create depth within the art piece.
This video also showed how they added mist to the piece to create a more spooky and dark atmosphere, a feature I would've never thought of and I think fit the tone of my game very well.
The second video also taught me to use more basic shapes whenever possible so assets can be reused and placed together to create more dynamic environments from using only a small collection of assets.
With this new knowledge from the videos, I preceded to create a background of my late-night beach scene as well as some spare assets to use later on to add variation to the background as it moves alongside the player.

As well as these spare rocks, I also created some platforms that look like parts of a cliff for my plans for later on in the level, when the player would make their way up the cliff from the beach.
