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Rebranding/ new profile picture

For about a year, this was the profile picture that I used on all of my social media:

As I usually would, I drew it myself. I also had the idea of making the character within the profile picture look more like me by taking a selfie and then drawing over the top of the image.

This branding I had for myself of a devilish-looking avatar had no meaning behind it beyond that I just enjoyed how it looked, which I realised may not fit well with what I want to be able to do in the future with all that I create. I one day wanted to be able to share the worlds and narratives I create in forms beyond just artwork, and I also considered streaming games.

My username before this rebranding was just some variation of "Rue_B" which is just my middle name and the initial of my surname. I realised that if I was to start streaming and being more public with my content, I probably wouldn't want to use my real name for everything.

With all this considered, this is where I began my rebranding recently.

I first changed my username to "Finis" everywhere. The first reason I chose this username is because it means "the end" in Latin. This meaning links back to a quote that I've considered important to me for a long time now. I'm unsure of its origin, but the quote is:

"An ending just makes way for a new beginning."

This quote has been a motivational saying to me over the past few years, which have been some of the most turbulent times I've ever had in my life where I often felt like I had to reset aspects of my life.

Another reason I chose this username is because I wanted my new branding to somehow be linked to the themes of time and space, and being able to manipulate these things. I planned on taking on a persona or character online, and so I considered a time traveller or some other kind of otherworldly being that's able to go to different times and worlds. This gives me the freedom within my branding to explore the many narratives I've created myself and jump over to other media as well such as games while still having everything make sense within my persona/ branding.

After my username, I also created this online persona's name: Faust Mors. These names also have Latin meanings behind them similar to the username, so everything is cohesive in its meanings.

With the naming and concept mostly figured out, all that was left was to bring it to life. Similar to my last profile picture, I once again used a picture of myself to make this avatar even though my face is not included in it this time.

Since some social media require a banner that goes behind the profile picture, and some media allows for an animated avatar, I also created an animated version of the profile picture and a banner both static and animated.


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